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Food Safety Hazards

Any agent Physical, Chemical and Biological or condition of food that has potential to cause harm or an adverse effect on our health is known as Food Hazard.

Types of Food Hazards:

1- Physical Hazards

2- Chemical Hazards

3- Biological Hazards

Physical Hazards: These hazards are not present in food. These are foreign particles or objects that enters in food from raw, preparation and final stage. These cause illness to humans.

Example:Hair, Nails, Button, Stones, Jute fibers, Jewellery, Pins, Seeds etc.

Chemical Hazards: invisible chemicals such as pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, cleaning agents can cause harm or illness to humans. these are deleterious substances which may be intentionally or non- intentionally added to the foods.

Example: Adulterants, Pesticides, Herbicides, Cleaning agent, Excess of

food additives.

Biological Hazards: Biological Hazards are living hazards like microbes, bacteria, viruses etc. These microbes are associated with food can cause food-borne disease like food poisoning.


Visible biological Hazards: Fly, worms, cockroaches.

Non- Visible Hazards : Bacteria, viruses, molds, yeasts.

How to prevent Food Hazards ?


2- By GMP

3- By GMP

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